Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Community, Identity, Stability (Brave New World)

As the title says this section is about Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. This book is sort of a freebie. The book if you haven't read it is sex ridden with free drugs that increase your libido which is exactly why I love it. Just kidding. But to read it through a Freudian lens is rather easy as it's main characters Bernard and John are easily identified in the "Big 4" (The four points pointed out in my first post).
Bernard shows a large role in the psycho-sexual development like all the "civilized" people in the world of Aldous Huxley. His incessant feeling of displeasure and not fulfilling his desires just ooze the negative effects of not properly pleasing the Id and not developing correctly due to conditioning. As a person everyone differs. Bernard has different need and them not being gratified in a manner in which he would have liked he grew into a bundle of anti-cultural and true unhappiness. While he is supposed to be a true showing of Id with a hint of Ego, what he wants is never truly fulfilled keeping him in a suspended state which he relapses on himself in the end with.
John on the other hand is truly the representation on Super-ego. His distaste of the Id-fested world which he dreamed about as a child and his basis to keep religion alive within himself, religion being one of the biggest factors in the discord in the psycho-sexual development stage. As I observed his character he started as an Id also but soon turned into Super-ego the moment he realized the assembly-line ways of the people of civilization.
As for the unconscious factor it is not necessarily used besides the feelings of Bernard, John and a few other characters who interact with the two. The drives are apparent also. As the conditioning let's the people love life but also to want the waiting calm that awaits.
The book itself is a very recreation of Freud's theories that it even uses his name in a catch phrase manner.

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